Warning! Please note that the content below was last updated on 14 October 1996; the content of this page is being preserved as-is for posterity. The only changes made since that time were (a) to update the page markup to current standards, (b) to update internal links as hosting platforms changed or to point to archive.org when available, and (c) to obscure email addresses located throughout these pages (except for USENET postings). Needless to say, many of the links to external sites are no longer functional after 20+ years.
Path: visi.com!winternet.com!kae
From: kae@citilink.com (Karl Erickson)
Newsgroups: winternet.general
Subject: Re: Winternet Update 7/11 (AM)
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 20:59:02 -0500
Organization: Society for the Prevention of Cluelessness
Lines: 37
Distribution: local
Message-ID: <kae-1107962059030001@news.winternet.com>
References: <4s2apj$nl@blackice.winternet.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp-66-74.dialup.winternet.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
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X-Newsreader: Yet Another NewsWatcher 2.2.0b13

In article <4s2apj$nl@blackice.winternet.com>, tomkat@winternet.com
(TomKat) wrote at 2:34 am 7/11/96:

>Firstly,  there should be a mass mailing in your mailbox by morning 
>containing an update from the Board of Directors conserning Mike Horwath
>which is also repeated at the bottom of this post.  Don't panic if you 
>don't get this mail right away, the mail server is heavly loaded down and 
>we expect it to free up soon.

So, I *shouldn't* worry if I don't receive an email that was sent from
abominable at 9:40 pm Wednesday 7/10 until 8:37pm Thursday 7/11? 

Okay. Anyhow, I'm pretty much done worrying.

At least it's not *quite* a 24-hour lag.

(Oh, BTW, a "subject" line would be nice, too. Oh, wait, that's right -
you were going to get someone to help with sendmail, right? Maybe they can
help you with mail headers too.)

>Received: from alyssa (root@alyssa.iaxs.net []) by
>absolut-zero.winternet.com (8.7.5/8.7.5) with ESMTP id UAA23533; Thu, 11
>Jul 1996 20:37:29 -0500 (CDT)
>Received-Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 20:37:29 -0500 (CDT)
>Received: from abominable (root@abominable.winternet.com [])
>by alyssa (8.7.1/871/Infinity) with ESMTP id VAA20989; Wed, 10 Jul 1996
>21:39:49 -0500 (CDT)
>Received: (from root@localhost) by abominable (8.7.4/8.6.12) id VAA24397;
>Wed, 10 Jul 1996 21:40:09 -0500 (CDT)
>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 21:40:09 -0500 (CDT)
>From: Operator <root@WINTERNET.COM>
>Posted-Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 21:40:09 -0500 (CDT)
>Message-Id: <199607110240.VAA24397@abominable>
Karl Erickson  ::  kae@citilink.com  ::  http://www.citilink.com/~kae/
   "When aiming for the common denominator, be prepared for the 
               occasional division by zero."