Please note that the content below was last updated on 14 October 1996; the content of this page is being preserved as-is for posterity. The only changes made since that time were (a) to update the page markup to current standards, (b) to update internal links as hosting platforms changed or to point to when available, and (c) to obscure email addresses located throughout these pages (except for USENET postings). Needless to say, many of the links to external sites are no longer functional after 20+ years.
Path:!!not-for-mail From: (Michael Frankowski) Newsgroups: winternet.announce Subject: Late Night Date: 13 Jul 1996 03:38:59 GMT Organization: StarNet Communications, Inc Lines: 34 Approved: Distribution: local Message-ID: <4s75oj$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Summary: late night thoughts X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0] Winternet, Today the local web server had a runaway process driving the machines load up to about 33.51, before being brought under control and back down to its normal 1.12. During this time any contact with the server was slow, and unsure. Many customers have also notices that a lot of the links off of our home page --such as Announcements-- are not working correctly. These links point to services that customers donated to Winternet and they feel that it is time to move on. We will be finding these links and replacing them with other links to bring our home page back to the high standard that Doug Rou helped bring it too. The commercial servers were unaffected by any of this and have been running since Monday. If you have any questions about Web service please speak with Yuk Ki Lau ( our new Web Consultant. Well just when I thought I had the phone system solved it decided to go and pull a fast one on me. As I reported earlier we had a tech out too look at the phone system, and to "bring it under control." Well he got it too the point where we could answer the phone, but now the phone system will not answer the phone at all. Six of one, and half a dozen of another. We have called the tech again and we will give this another try, but at this moment the phone system will not pick up and answer at all, it will just let the system ring forever. If you need to get our attention please fax us at (612) 333-1507, or email with your problem and we will work to get it solved as fast as possible. Hopefully the tech can get the phones right by Monday, time will tell. Thank you for patience, More news to follow ...