WinterNyet: Overview

Warning! Please note that the content below was last updated on 14 October 1996; the content of this page is being preserved as-is for posterity. The only changes made since that time were (a) to update the page markup to current standards, (b) to update internal links as hosting platforms changed or to point to when available, and (c) to obscure email addresses located throughout these pages (except for USENET postings). Needless to say, many of the links to external sites are no longer functional after 20+ years.
WinterNyet Refugee

WinterNyet Index

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On July 5, 1996, Winternet, (at the time, Minnesota’s largest Internet Service Provider), was the object of a hostile takeover. Mike Horwath, our Sytem Administrator, as well as owner, has been ousted by his erstwhile silent partners. The entire staff is reputed to have walked out in support of Mike, at least according to the new management. (More reliable sources indicate that the entire staff was fired outright.)

This is not a case of any mismanagement on the part of the Winternet staff, they are widely seen as one of the finest technical support crews in the nation today. Coincidently, our main authentication server just went down. Rumour has it that the ‘new’ owners powered it down without first running through the shutdown procedure, fearing reprisals from Mr. Horwath.

Q: How many New-Winternet employees does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: Three — One to cut power, one to smash the old lightbulb (still in the socket), and one to send everyone home for the weekend; the mysterious unexplainable outage can be addressed on Monday.

— Todd Lehman

Zathras knows three. Zathras know four. Zathras knows many things.
Four is more than three, three is less than one. The one is three.
Zathras … not good at math. Zathras looks for tool, look for the right tool.
Winternet … is not the right tool. Vector is right tool.
Vector is the one. You are all the one. Zathras not good at math.
Zathras head hurts, but at least he has symmetry.

— Bill Haverberg

More Information:

The “WinterNyet” moniker was contributed by Todd Lehman. Thanks!

14 October 1996 / Karl Erickson ( / Copyright 1996

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