Please note that the content below was last updated on 14 October 1996; the content of this page is being preserved as-is for posterity. The only changes made since that time were (a) to update the page markup to current standards, (b) to update internal links as hosting platforms changed or to point to when available, and (c) to obscure email addresses located throughout these pages (except for USENET postings). Needless to say, many of the links to external sites are no longer functional after 20+ years.
Graphics |
Index | Winternet Under Siege! | Where are my pages? | Graphics | |
The following is a list of graphics that have been created by various Winternet (and ex-Winternet) folks for your use. While the creators (noted below) retain all rights to the various images, you are free to use them in you own pages. If you do so, a link back to one of the “WinterNyet” sites (here, Doc Ozone’s or Al Iverson’s) would be considerate.
Most browsers will probably let you select the graphic & save it to disk; for those that can’t, try selecting the filename in the left column.
Doc Ozone | drozone at visi dot com | |
Craig S. Wilson | craig at wavefront dot com | |
Todd Hoffman | todd at visi dot com | |
Designer / Filename | Image |
Todd Hoffman | |
Todd Hoffman | |
Doc Ozone | |
Doc Ozone
(Looks particulary good with a <body bgcolor=”#CC9966″>) |
Doc Ozone | |
Doc Ozone | |
Doc Ozone | |
Karl Erickson
Apologies to Dr. Ozone. 🙂 |
Craig Wilson | |
Craig Wilson | |
Craig Wilson |
14 October 1996 / Karl Erickson ( / Copyright 1996